How this food obsession all began.

Just over 2 and a half years ago I was cruising through town chowing down on a bean and cheese burrito from Taco Bell.  I knew I shouldn’t be eating like that, I knew fast food was good for no one, but at the moment I didn’t care and I got it anyways.

Half way through my burrito I noticed my throat start to swell slightly shut, I had no idea what was happening to me, but as it progressed my tongue became numb and tingly and the feeling stayed with me throughout the day.  Having absolutely no idea what was going on with me, I of course just ignored it and went on as if nothing had happened.

The following day I have no idea what I decided to ingest but it too included refried beans, same tingly, swelling, awfulness.  So I asked my younger sister, who is my go to webMD and she informed me that I have food allergies (she has had food allergies since day one).  How one wakes up as a grown adult with random food allergies was mind baffling to me, but it’s actually a thing.  One day I woke up and was allergic to things, and my beloved refried beans were one of them.

I kept having random allergic reactions and I could not figure out what all was triggering my reactions so I decided to start doing some research.  In my findings I learned about processed foods and the preservatives that are in them, and that basically everything I knew about food and health was a lie.  I decided to cut out everything processed and the things I knew I was allergice to like beans and onions.  I did not decide to go see my doctor and get testing done because I’ve been through other allergy testing and it is a nightmare and I felt this was something that I could figure out on my own.

The more I researched the more horrified I became.